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Baseball Divisions

* Check Available Programs to see what divisions are open this season.

TEE-BALL 3-4 year olds DIVISION
Open to girls and boys
Specifically for our youngest players -  3-4 years old only


Open to girls and boys
Ages 4-6 years old

Tee Ball Division is for beginning players who want to learn the fundamentals of hitting and fielding.

In Tee Ball, players hit a ball off a batting tee and no live pitching is permitted in this division.  Rules of the game are flexible in order to maximize the teaching of skills, teamwork, fundamentals and the general rules of baseball.  Woodlawn Little League uses a 50-foot field for t-ball division.

Tee Ball teams have rosters of around 7-9 players.  All players are listed on the batting line-up and all players will rotate field play each game in a variety of positions in order to begin to learn position specific skills.

A typical season schedule includes one game (approx. 1 hour) every Saturday morning with one to two practice during the week (45 minutes - 1 hour)


Open to girls and boys
Ages 7-8 years old

The AA Division program is also known as “coach-pitch” and is focused on deepening beginning fundamentals and skills for ballplayers who are either moving up from tee ball or just starting to play the game.

A player who is league-age 7 (by April 30) for the current season is eligible to play in the AA Division.  Woodlawn does permit players aged 6 to play up if they have tee ball experience and also permits players age 9 to “play-down” to gain skills and fundamentals if they are just starting to learn the game.  Pitching is done by a coach or manager and is not “pitched” in the traditional sense from a mound, but usually from a closer distance with less force to allow players to gain skill and confidence hitting a pitched ball.  Play is on a 50-foot field.

Rosters are usually comprised of around 10-13 players.  All players are listed on the batting line-up and all players will rotate field play each game in a variety of positions in order to continue to deepen position-specific skills.

A typical season schedule includes one night game during the week and one each Saturday, with practice once a week.


Open to girls and boys
Ages 9-10 years old

AAA Division, also known as "kid-pitch” is focused on building a player’s skills and beginning to identify specific position skills and training.  The AAA Division at Woodlawn is for ages 9-10.

A player who is league-age 9 for the current season is eligible to play in the AAA Division.  Woodlawn does permit players aged 8 to play up if they have AA Division experience.  Pitching is done by players on the team and attention is provided to teaching pitchers the fundamentals and mechanics of the position, while ensuring the safety and health of the players.  Eligible players from the AAA Division can be selected to compete at the end of the regular season as part of an All Star team.

Rosters usually have 11-13 players on a team and players are more consistently played in specific positions based on the skills they can demonstrate to match those needed for each position.  The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.

A typical season schedule includes a weeknight game and Saturday game, with one or two practices during the week.


Open to girls and boys
Ages 11-12 years old

The Majors Division at Woodlawn Little League features players aged 11-12 years of age.  Woodlawn Little League does permit players aged 10 to play up into this division if they can demonstrate adequate previous experience.  Players at this level have developed some proficiency at playing one or more positions and at hitting and fielding baseballs. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.  Eligible players from the Majors Division can be selected to compete at the end of the regular season as part of an All Stars team.  All Star teams from the Majors Division play in the Little League World Series.

Rosters usually have 12-14 players on a team and players are played in specific positions based on the skills they demonstrate to match those needed for each position.

A typical season schedule includes two to three games weekly, with one to two practices depending on the number of games.


Open to boys
Ages 13 years old

The Intermediate Division at Woodlawn Little League is intended to provide players the ability to adjust to the larger dimensions of the field older players will play on.  The Intermediate Division plays on a 70-foot field. 

Rosters usually include 12-14 players on a team and players play specific positions based on their skills.

A typical season includes two to three games per week and one or two practices, depending upon the number of games.


Open to boys
Ages 13-14 years old

The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys ages 13-14 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.  Junior Division players are advanced and skilled players.

Rosters usually include 12-14 players on a team and players play specific positions based on their skills.

The typical season schedule includes up to two to three games a week and approximately one to two practices a week.


Open to boys aged 15-16 years old

The Seniors Division is for high school aged, skilled and experienced players.  Play is on the 90 foot field.

Rosters usually include 12-14 players on a team and players play specific positions based on their skill.

The typical season include two to three games per week and two to three practices depending on the number of games.



Open to girls
Ages 8 years old and under

Coach pitch softball is focused on deepening beginning fundamentals and skills for softball players who are either moving up from tee ball or just starting to play the game.

Pitching is done by a coach or manager and is not “pitched” in the traditional sense from a mound, but usually from a closer distance with less force to allow players to gain skill and confidence hitting a pitched ball.

Rosters are usually comprised of around 8-10 players.  All players are listed on the batting line-up and all players will rotate field play each game in a variety of positions in order to continue to deepen position-specific skills.


Open to girls
Ages 9-10 years old

Minors softball is focused on building a player’s skills and beginning to identify specific position skills and training.  Pitching is done by players (and then by coaches after four balls are thrown) and attention is provided to teaching pitchers the fundamentals and mechanics of the position while ensuring the safety and health of the players.

Rosters usually have 12-15 players on a team and players are more consistently played in specific positions based on the skills they can demonstrate to match those needed for each position.  The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 35 feet.


Open to girls
Ages 11-12 years old

The Majors Softball Division at Woodlawn Little League features players who have developed some proficiency at playing one or more positions and at hitting and fielding softballs.  The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 40 feet.


Open to girls
Ages 13-18 years old

The Juniors/Seniors Softball Division is for proficient softball players who have matured their skills and generally play select positions.  The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 43 feet.

Contact Us

Woodlawn Little League

PO Box 20 
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121

Email: [email protected]

Woodlawn Little League

PO Box 20 
Mount Vernon, Virginia 22121

Email: [email protected]
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